Wednesday, June 24, 2009


This is how poor Aly looks after being hit by a car coming out of a driveway as we were driving on Hwy 92, on the way to HMB nursery!
The good news is that no one was hurt, the doors still work, although the window "bumps" when it goes up and down. The bad news is that now we are dealing with insurance companies and auto body shops.
Add to that the fact that we are going on our month-long road trip a week from Friday, and you have a recipe for STRESS - something that we are no longer used to!
I suspect that Aly will still look this way on our road trip, unless we get the "all clear" to get her into the shop today or tomorrow. The job will take a week, and we absolutely need her by Thursday, so that we can get packed and be ready to hit the road on Friday.
We'll keep you posted!


Val said...

That is so sad, but you are right the important thing is no one was hurt.

Anonymous said...

Very annoying, I'm sure. Glad it wasn't worse!