Friday, January 15, 2010

Raglan by the sea

Bryan is on holiday this week, which is a bonus! On Tuesday we loaded up the car and headed to their beach house in Raglan! The weather was beautiful, though a bit breezy. We went to the harbor and got fresh fish for dinner that night, which was a real treat! We spent Tuesday and Wednesday night there, and planned to come home on Thursday. Sadly, Wednesday was quite cool and windy - so much so that we ate dinner inside, instead of our on the deck. But, it was still quite relaxing - lovely walks on the ocean beach, searching for sea glass on Moonlight Bay ( we found some!) and relaxing/visiting on the deck with a G&T! John joined us for the afternoon/evening on Wednesday, and that was great as well.
Thursday morning, as usual, dawned clear, warm and sunny! And we loaded up the car and left, but we came home to the same wonderful weather in Hamilton, so all was well.

The view of the Raglan bay from Bryan and Peter's deck. The tide is in, but at low tide the water receeds considerably, and boats end up high and dry!

The ocean beach at Raglan. Note the black sand!

Walking along the beach. It was quite windy and we were walking into the wind. It was much easier walking back, as we had quite a tail wind!

More beautiful beach!

Pahutakawa tree - New Zealands Christmas tree - in full bloom near the wharf in Raglan.

Pahutakawa blooms - they are very similar to our bottle brush blooms.

Seagulls all in a row! This was taken at the wharf, as we were getting fresh fish - salmon and gurnard - very yummy!

Bryan stopped at a garden center to buy a plant and Lee snapped this picture of a very patient dog, waiting for his owner. As you can see, he's sitting in the drivers seat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All great photos. Send some of that sunshine our way!