Wednesday, July 28, 2010

June 2010

Where to begin??  It's been so long since we updated our blog, that it was almost overwhelming to get started!  Fortunately, Lee got us started, and we're going all the way back to June, to bring everyone up to date on what's been going on in our lives.

First of all, we went to Aldergrove, BC, to visit with Cathi, Don and family, and attend grandson Dylan's graduation from high school!  Dylan is Cathi's second graduate, and our 5th!  The graduation ceremony was great, and Dylan also performed in the choir that sang at the graduation.

Nathan's ship happened to be in Everett, WA, so he was able to be home for the event as well, so we were able to spend time with him, too.

On Saturday evening, Cathi and Don left for a flight to Miami, where they were meeting good friends for a Caribbean cruise!  They were very excited!  Don has wanted to go to the Caribbean ever since I've known him, and it was his Christmas gift from Cathi last year.  Lee and I stayed in Aldergrove, and took care of the three little ones - Patience, 6, Jordyn 4, and Nick, nearly 2!  Needless to say, we were busy!  But we had a great time with them.  School was still in session, so Lee provided lots of taxi service to school, field trips, soccer games, etc.  He also took the girls, and Sean and his friend, Justin to see Toy Story 3!  They all really enjoyed it!

Cathi and Don returned home the following Saturday, and we all met at Val and Dave's house in Everson, WA.  It was a great homecoming, and the little ones were so happy to see their Mom and Dad!

We spent the next week with Val and Dave and Hailey, and were there for Hailey's 16th birthday.  We did some touring around, and Lee, Hailey and I went to La Connor, WA, for a day.  La Conner is a cute little town with lots of shops, etc., on a river that empties into the bay.  Hailey got to try glass-blowing, and made a glass globe to hang in her room. 

Val and Dave have moved, and now live near the river, with lots of great walking trails.  They have 5 dogs, and we took walks almost every night, which the dogs loved!  One of their dogs, Rylie, is rather large, and has a hard time keeping up with everyone, especially on the return trip, so Dave bought her a wagon!  She wasn't too sure about it in the beginning, but she decided that it was a pretty good idea on the way home!  Pretty funny!

Their miniature horse, Kayla, had a baby, a little boy named Chile!  He is just adorable, and SO tiny!  We had fun watching him, and in the week we were there it was amazing how much he grew and filled out!

Our trip to the Pacific North West came to an end on June 28th, and we returned home and made preparations for our dear friend, John, who was coming to visit us on July 3rd, for three weeks.

It was so wonderful to spend that time with all of the kids and grandkids!  And so wonderful that Cathi and Don were able to spend that week just relaxing and enjoying the beauty of the Bahamas.

Congratulations, Dylan!

Dylan with Grandma and Grandpa

Graduation cake
The three oldest Murphy boys - Nathan, Sean and Dylan.  Note the graduation watches from Grandma and Grandpa Murphy.  Sean has a few years to go to get his.

Nicholas playing hockey with Grandpa.  Nick LOVES to be outside!

Jordyn and Patience, ready for school.  We e-mailed this one to Cathi and Don while they were on vacation

Hailey at a garden shop in La Conner.

Kayla and her adorable baby, Chile!

Chile didn't appreciate being picked up at all, but you can see how little he is.
After dinner at Val and Dave's, the kids went down and made a fire pit so they could make smores.

Cathi and Don, Val and Dave, after dinner at Chihuahuas, a yummy Mexican restaurant in Ferndale

Hailey woke up on her birthday to this sign in her front yard.  Her boyfriend, Steven, had come late at night, with tape, and wished her a happy birthday.  None of Val and Dave's dogs barked, although the neighborhood dogs made lots of noise - all of which we slept through!

Hailey and birthday presents.  Happy birthday, Hailey!

Hailey's birthday dinner at Olive Garden.  Steven joined us, too.

Hailey and her big sister, Lindsay

Val and Dave

Great granddaughter, Madi.  She's a little ray of sunshine!

Off on a walk to the river.  Note Rylie, and Dave with the wagon

Val and Macy, a long-haired Dachshund

Rylie decided that the wagon wasn't such a bad thing, as we headed home.  I wonder how long it will be before the other dogs join her


Cathi said...

YAY! Great update! One month down, one to go!

Val said...

You guys sure have a full and busy life! Love the update with all the pictures! I was almost inspired but you did such a good job and happened to cover what we have been up to as well :) Thank you!!

Nathan said...

That picture of Nick is now my favourite picture of all time pretty much, he is so cute and I just got the feeling that he will be in the NHL before we know it! The rest of the update was very nice too.