Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thank you, Coast Guard!

Our grandson, Nathan, is in the Coast Guard and is assigned to a buoy tender, the Sycamore,  stationed in Cordova, Alaska.  However, the Sycamore was deployed in June to the Gulf of Mexico to assist in the clean up of the BP oil spill.  They were there until just recently, when they received orders to head home.  The crew and their families were very glad to hear that!  An added bonus was that the Sycamore spent two days in San Francisco, AND, Nathan didn't have duty, so he got to come and spend time with us!

As a surprise, Cathi flew down from Aldergrove, and was with us when we went into San Francisco to collect him.  We didn't see his ship moored anywhere, so we drove out to Aquatic Park, and walked out on the pier, and were able to watch his ship sail in!  It looked pretty darned small to me (but I prefer ships the size of the Queen Mary), but after they moored, we were able to have a tour, and there's actually quite a bit of room in the 220 foot ship!

We spent Thursday doing some shopping, hanging out, watching a movie and just spending time together.  On Friday we went to San Jose to visit the Shark Tank, where Nathan bought lots of Sharks stuff, then headed to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk for some fun in the sun.  The rides weren't going, but Nathan had a great time in the arcade, and Cathi, Lee and I enjoyed the sun and the beach.

Sadly, we had to take Nathan back on Friday night, as they were sailing on Saturday morning.  Cathi took advantage of being in the Bay Area to go and visit her good friend Heather in Modesto on Saturday, then on Sunday it was time for her to head back home to a very happy husband and children!

What a wonderful, whirlwind visit with both Nathan and Cathi!   Now, if the USAF would only deploy Cody to San Francisco!!

The Sycamore, "Keeper of the Sound", sails into San Francisco Bay.  You can see the cut-out on the ship, where buoys are hoisted up to be worked on.

Cathi and Lee, with the Sycamore in the background

The Sycamore sails in front of Alcatraz island.

Moored at a pier in down town San Francisco!  Very convenient!

Surprise!!  A very happy mother and son reunion!

On the Sycamore.  This is Nathan's work station in Operations

Cathi and Nathan

On the bridge

Nathan's "rack" area - his rack is on the bottom.

Coming down the gang plank with Nathan's unicycle

In front of the ice rink where the Sharks practice.

Fun at the Sharks store!!

Sharks fans!  Three brand new Sharks baseball caps!

The Sharks' 20th Anniversary logo, adorning our new dishwasher.  Nathan thought that it looked bare, and that a Sharks emblem was just what it needed!

What a wonderful unexpected surprise!  Thanks, Cathi and Nathan!!  We love you!


Cathi said...

Your pictures are totally better than mine!
It was a wonderful time...thank you for everything.

Val said...

I agree! Your pictures are much better than Cathi's! :)