Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lunch at John's...

John is famous for his Friday luncheons!  This Friday was no exception!  There were 10 of us for a wonderful lunch, outside, under the tent.  

We were greeted by both the US and California flags blowing in the breeze.

Lunch was delicious - salmon crepes!  There was lots of wine and bubbly, and we all whiled away the afternoon, with good friends and good food!

Thanks, John!

We're all gathering under the tent for lunch

From left to right:  Peter, Richard, John, Billie (John's sister), me, Pam (John's sister) and Bryan.

The centerpiece - New Zealand, California and US flags

Billie and Pat

Bryan and Lee - notice their matching "dog's breakfast" t-shirts!

The picture below is the gang with a farewell wave - what a wonderful afternoon!!

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