Monday, May 30, 2011

May in Moss Beach

And the garden is happy!  All of the deck furniture is out, the umbrellas are up, and we are once again enjoying our outdoor living area!  Come and join us for a glass of wine on the deck!

My newest wind chime!  Thanks, Don and Waneta - it's a very cheerful wind chime!

The bleeding heart came back up this spring, and is booming profusely

My new favorite annual - the Linaria!  We got it last March at the SF Flower and Garden show.  It's so cheerful and fragrant!  It bloomed from March to September last year.  On my list of plants to buy when we got back from NZ this year, was the Linaria.  But, when we got home and were wandering around the yard, we discovered about a dozen linarias, blooming away in the rocks!  I dug them up and planted them in this pot.  That night, some critter dug them up looking for grubs, or something.  I replanted them.  They got dug up again.  I finally piled rocks on all of the exposed dirt!  I won!  They are blooming happily on the deck

In spite of the fence work and the trellises leaning forward for weeks, the clematis are blooming away

More clematis, on the other side of the yard

Peonies!!  They are up and blooming!

These double peonies are also fragrant!

They make great cut flowers, and keep the plants from falling over with heavy blooms

Our psoralia - it's covered with little lavender blooms that smell just like grape kool-aid!

Our nod to edible gardening - a zucchini plant!  It's growing well and has blooms, but we probably won't get any zucchini until September, when we get our warm weather

Bryan and Peter got us these cheerful African daisies last year when they visited.  You can tell that they are very happy

Roses in the front yard

Roses and lavender

Lee's Meyer lemon!  He bought it several years ago, bare-root and half-dead.  This tree is a tribute to Lee's green thumb!  It's got blooms, ripe lemons and green lemons on it, all at once.  Lemons, anyone?

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