Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day and Jim's visit

Jim and Rex came for a visit over Memorial Day weekend.  They arrived on Friday afternoon, and we had a great visit over the long weekend.
We mainly took it easy - had leisurely mornings, took walks in the afternoon, worked cross-word puzzles, etc.  Aside from the wind, the weather was great!

We went out to dinner on Saturday evening to the Basque Cultural Center in South San Francisco.  One of our favorite restaurants, and Jim's, too.  We had a great dinner, and Rex sure enjoyed the leftovers!  Thanks, Jim, for a great birthday dinner!

Sadly, Jim and Rex have headed home, hoping to beat the worst of the holiday traffic.  Thanks for coming, we sure enjoyed your visit!

Lunch on the deck!


Resting on his chair

Yesterday's walk along the coastal trail.  The wind made the weather really cool along the ocean

Giant tire at Dunes beach

We took a little break at this park

The guys, with Rex hitching a ride!


Heading home! 

Drive safely and thanks for coming!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Snake! They seem to like you guys. ;) Sounds like a fun visit.