Saturday, May 21, 2011

Our visit with the Richey/Lawson's

Saturday afternoon we left the Murphy's, and drove to Bellingham to visit with the Richey/Lawson's.  We had seen Val, Dave and Hailey at Nathan's dinner, but were looking forward to spending some time with them, and Lindsay, Jacob and Madi, too

Since Sunday was Mother's Day, we spent Saturday afternoon with about a million other people, at Costco, provisioning for our Mother's Day lunch.  I have to admit that I have never been in a Costco as busy as that one was, but we were successful in our "hunting and gathering".

Dave bar-b-qued dinner that night, and we had a nice, quiet evening. 

On Sunday we got ready for Mother's Day and waited for Lindsay, Jacob, Madi, and Cathi and her kids to arrive.  It was so fun to have everyone together!  But, we missed Cody, Kelsey, Don and Nathan!  We ate lots and lots, including strawberry cheesecake, and the "littles" had great fun playing together.  We got some great photo opportunities, too!  I was very spoiled on Mother's Day, as the girls and their families gave me a gift certificate to Half Moon Bay Nursery!!  We are looking forward to going shopping there!  What a wonderful, thoughtful gift!  Thanks you guys!

Later that afternoon the weather cleared up and we were able to be outside.  Madi wanted to ride her little pink 4-wheeler.  She rode by herself for awhile, with Dad holding on to the back of the bike for dear life!  Madi definitely knows what the throttle is, and wants it full-out!  Needless to say, the mean adults wouldn't allow that, and she got very frustrated with her passengers when they insisted on controlling her speed!  I have no doubt that it won't be long before she has enough control to ride by herself.  Fortunately, she has full-body armor, as I'm sure that she will take a spill or two!  After the 4-wheeler was put away, Madi rode her minature pony, Kyla - much slower!

Val and Dave have been enjoying riding together in the evenings, and had been hauling their horses to an arena.  Since they have room, they decided to build their own!  For Mother's Day, Dave had arena sand delivered, and spent many hours getting it smoothed out and ready for use.  Now they can saddle up and be ready to ride, without driving anywhere!  Not sure how the horses feel about that...

On Tuesday we had to say goodbye to everyone, and drive to Seattle, where we caught a flight to Long Beach for the next phase of our trip.  More about that, later!

Thanks so much you guys!  We had a great time visiting with you and can't wait to see you in July!

Moms!  Valarie, Lindsay (expecting a daughter in August) me and Cathi!

Grandkids!  Lindsay, Sean, Dylan and Hailey - note that they ALL have their cell phones!

And the "littles" in on the action as well!  Lindsay with Madi - our great granddaughter, Sean, hailey, Patience, Dylan and Jordyn

And we briefly captured Nick for this shot!  He's more of an action guy - sitting and posing for pictures is not high on his list of things to do!  But this picture has 7 of our 10 grandchildren

Cathi, Nick, Patience and Madi

Madi is not appreciating the fact that her Mom won't let her control her speed.

And here's Dad, running behind Madi as she controls not only her speed, but also her direction.

Valarie and Stetson in the new arena

Great job on the arena, Dave!  And a gift that will get a LOT of use!

Madi, at the end of the day.  Needless to say, I loved having her asleep in my lap

Lots of fun, great pictures, great memories!!

Thanks, you guys!

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