Saturday, March 31, 2012

Quick trip north/Visiting Bellingham

On Saturday, March 24th it was time for Cathi and the kids to head home.  They had a wonderful time in California and got to visit with lots of people.  Sean flew home from Long Beach on the 21st, and Cathi and kids drove to Modesto where they spent a few days with Cathi's good friend, Heather Smith.

I decided to drive home with her to help with the driving, kids and ride shotgun!  I took BART to Pleasanton, where they met me and we headed north!  We had talked about a long day of driving on Saturday, spending the night and then finishing the trip on Sunday.  Well, that didn't happen.  We were making great time, the kids are great travelers, and with many stops at roadside rests, gas stations and Mc Donald's, we pushed on through and got into Bellingham at 11:00 pm.

It was the right thing to do.  The weather was kind to us, some snow flurries around Shasta but the pass into Ashland was blessedly clear.  We left the bay area rain behind, and once we got into Oregon, the skies cleared and we had great weather.

I took this opportunity to spend a few days with Val and family.  Sunday was a beautiful day and we took advantage of the weather to do some yard work and set up all of the patio furniture.  Of course the next day it rained, but - oh well!

Cathi, Don, Dylan and his girlfriend Haley came to Bellingham on Sunday and we all went to Round Table Pizza.  It was great to catch up with Don, Dylan and Haley as well.

I spent Monday and Tuesday with Lindsay and her girls and had great fun hanging with them.

Then Wednesday it was time to come home.  The flights were available and smooth and I was home just after 4:00 pm - whirlwind trip!!  But what a treat to spend that quality time with Cathi and the kids and Valarie and her family.  Life is good!

Dinner at Mc Donald's!  The kids took advantage of the play area to burn off some of the energy they amassed while sitting in the car for hours and hours.  Then it was eat and back in the car!  Next stop:  HOME!!

Lindsay at Round Table.  Notice that her arms are empty!  Kendra got passed all around the table, and she didn't mind it at all.

Madi, Kendra, Valarie, Cathi, Don, Haley and Dylan.  Kendra thinks that Madi is hysterical!

Kendra, Grandma and great Aunt Cathi

"Unkie" Don, as Valarie's kids used to say

Dylan in the midst of Haley/Haileys!  Girlfriend and cousin.

Tyler and Hailey

Dave, Valarie and Kendra.  I never could get all three of them to look at once!

Kendra and her Grandpa

Yum!  Prunes!  This baby loves to eat - it doesn't matter what's on the spoon!

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