Sunday, May 05, 2013

Dan Adams March visit...

Dan Adams, our friend from South Dakota, was in Danville taking a course for work.  It was a two week course, so he was able to come and spend the weekend with us!  We were hoping that Susie would be able to come, too, but she wasn't able to.  We had fun anyway, but we would have had MORE fun if Susie had been here, too!  You guys just have to come and see us!

On Saturday we headed south - our destination was Santa Cruz, but we stopped at Ano Nuevo on the way and had a great walk along the ocean.  Ano Nuevo is where the elephant seals beach in the winter to have their pups and then mate before heading out to sea.  We didn't have time to do the tour, but we spent time at the visitor center and enjoyed the displays along the way.

After an "al fresco" lunch in Santa Cruz and a stroll on the pier, we headed back north.  We stopped in Pescadero for awhile and then again in San Gregorio where we heard a local band playing at the San Gregorio General Store - you gotta love the coastside!

On Sunday we went north, across the Golden Gate Bridge to the Pt. Bonito Light House.  After the walk to the light house we went back to Chrissy Field for a picnic and then toured Fort Point.  It was a beautiful day, but a tad breezy.

Then it was time to take Dan back to BART so he could get back to Danville for class on Monday morning.

Thanks so much for coming, Dan, it was great to see you and we had lots of fun exploring with you!

The coastline at Ano Nuevo 

Dan and Lee in front of the hull of an old shipwreck

And here's Dan, with his arm around virtual Susie!  We were missing her! 

This explains the wreckage from the ship 

And this is a model of the ship - before crashing onto the rocks! 

Picnic along surfer's beach in Santa Cruz 

Sea Lions resting on the pilings of the pier in Santa Cruz 

This sight was in Pescadero - it's a vine that has literally climbed a palm tree - creating this "two trees in one" effect. 

Live music jam session at the San Gregorio General Store 

Pt. Bonito light house 

This light house still uses the fresnel lens to send out it's light 

The bridge to the light house is new.  Lee and I visited there a few years ago and we crossed the original swinging bridge to get to the light house.  They only allowed a few people on it at a time and it was closed if it was too windy.  Have to admit that it was pretty exciting!  But the new bridge is much more stable and will last for a long time 

Dan and Pt. Bonito Light house 

Dan and the Golden Gate Bridge on a beautiful clear day

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