Sunday, May 05, 2013

In and around Auckland

The AGP was held in Auckland while we were in New Zealand so we took advantage of that to spend a week in Auckland and visit with friends there.  We spent time in and around Auckland and on Waihiki Island.  We also spent a few days with Tony and Deane in Birkenhead.  It was great to visit places we had seen before and also see new ones.

Stone sculptures outside of the university

We loved this building - the new modern building behind the original structure

Maori arch at the aoteora center

Beautiful building and clouds

The Auckland Art Gallery

The interior - the wood is all native kauri wood

"Blooming" flower arrangement suspended from the ceiling

Lee inside "meditation room" - mirrors on the floor, ceiling and walls - quite an interesting perspective

You can see that the image of the person in the room with Lee is repeated many times - amazing!

More cruise ships!  The Queen Victoria visits Auckland

The Auckland skyline from the ferry to Waihiki Island

Stephen and Lee with one of the sculptures from a recent art exhibit

There were interesting sculptures all over town

A tree seat!

Stephen and Lee with the sea behind them

We went for quite a hike on the island, along the beach and through the bush

Rock arch - a great picture spot!

Sea glass!  I filled a couple of little plastic bags with sea glass

Stone recliners - they were actually pretty comfortable

And, as you can see, it was a beautiful sunny day!

Our last stop on Waihiki Island was the Cable Bay Vineyard, where we enjoyed a wonderful wine tasting!

We loved the way Cable Bay did their tastings - instead of standing at the bar, we were invited to take our wine to one of the table and relax and enjoy the view.  When we were ready for the next taste we took our glasses up and they re-filled them!  Very civilized!

The view across to Auckland from Cable Bay.  The huge bean-bag chairs were very inviting, but it was just too hot

Lee did take advantage of one of the hammocks and even got in without spilling his wine

This ship holds yachts and sailboats and takes them from one place to another.  It's able to lower itself into the water so that the boats can sail in.  It then raises up and the water drains from the cargo area.  The boats can then be worked on - it's a floating dry dock - as they make their way somewhere else

The back of the transport boat

The viaduct area of Auckland at night - just beautiful

And The Queen Elizabeth visits, too!

A beautiful, huge ship!

We met Maree for lunch at the Art Museum.  We hadn't seen her since she and Kate visited us on her way to university in Indiana

Stephen took us on a trip to Shakespeare Park, north of Auckland

We were excited to see a Maori waka (canoe) in the water

There was a large group of school children who came and sailed the little boats and kayaks

And the lucky ones got to sail in the Waka!

Auckland from the beach in Birkenhead

We thought that the name of this restaurant - The Codfather" was clever

At Tony and Deanes house in Birkenhead which is among the Kauri Trees


Lee-roye and the birds loved drinking from the fountain on the table

Beautiful wood pigeon waiting or his turn to drink

The wood pigeons are beautiful - and huge!

Lunch on the viaduct with Tony, John and Jo.  It was a wonderful lunch!

Thanks, Craig and Stephen and Tony and Deane for a wonderful week in Auckland!

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