Thursday, August 01, 2013

Nick's field trip and graduation

There was one other graduation that we attended - Nick's pre-school graduation!!

But before that, Lee and I accompanied Nick to his preschool visit to the local fire house and then to a year-end picnic at the home of one of the students.

Neither Lee or I had ever visited a fire house and it was very interesting.  The firemen did a great job with the kids and talked to them about safety around the house and outside, before taking them to see the fire trucks and watch a firemen get dressed in his full fire-fighting gear.  They also got to climb all over and into the fire trucks!  Needless to say, all the pre-schoolers were very impressed with this!

The kids were properly impressed and not at all afraid of the firemen in full gear!  Of course, they have all grown up with Darth Vadar, so the fireman wasn't scary at all!!

The kids had a great time at the picnic, in spite of the intermittent rain and cool temperatures!  Nick especially enjoyed driving around in the battery-powered jeep and we were amazed at his ability to quickly maneuver around the mine field of toys and other children!  He even backed up well and no one got run over!  It was sad when the battery finally died in the jeep, though!

And then we attended Nick's graduation from Preschool!  His teacher, Miss Kathy, had folders of work that the kids had done through the year and talked to each child about all they had accomplished.

Don and Grandpa went with Nick to his ball hockey class.  This was the last class of the season and in addition to playing, Don got to play as well.  Nick had lots of fun with that!!

The safety talk - all of the kids were totally engaged and participated in the discussions on what was safe and what was not!

Nick in the fire engine

Miss Kathie and her preschool classes

Look out - here they come!  Nick driving the jeep at the picnic

Nick and Miss Kathie

Nick's graduating class

Ready for ball hockey!!

Don and Nick

Nick and the other boy in his class with stickers on their noses - silly boys!

And a good-bye hug for his ball hockey coach!


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